Funerals and Ceremonies

Life and Soul offers personalized funeral and commemoration services. We are not religiously or spiritually affiliated, yet believe that ceremony is a key part of grief. Melanie Wilson is a certified Life Cycle® Funeral & Memorial Celebrant (think: “officiant”), creating ceremonies to honor life and legacy. From memorials and vigils to body disposition and celebrations of life, we can help you create a unique, comforting event that embodies your wishes and those of the deceased.

After Loss Services

Society doesn’t expect you to be an expert in all of life’s transitions. When buying a home, opening a business, planning a wedding, having a baby, or navigating a medical issue, there are professionals available to guide you through the process. It should be no different when it comes to grief and loss. Life and Soul doesn’t expect you to go through the life transition of a significant death alone; we are here to guide you through after-loss management.

End-of-Life Planning

An end-of-life plan benefits everyone. Whether you are single, a caretaker, a partner, or a friend, you can work with those in your life to make plans for the inevitable. We’ll make sure that the important people, pets, and your belongings are considered in this delicate process. Let’s get your plan in place so that you can get back to living, but with the additional peace of mind that comes from a thoughtfully planned legacy.