Flyer for an event titled "Grief Mixer, New York City" by Paines Plough and Death of the Party. Drawing in center of wilted purple flowers in a lue vase. The text is pink, green, and black with textured white background.

Upcoming Events

Grief Mixer and “My Mother’s Funeral: The Show”

Monday, January 13th at 6 pm

Event details, RSVP, and tickets

Flyer for an event titled "Death, Documents & Donuts" by Here to Honor. Description is "An End-of-Life Paper Work Session". Graphic is of documents, donuts, and coffee mug with blue design elements and blue and white text.

Death, Donuts, and Documents

Saturday, February 8th at 10 am

Event details and tickets

Candid shot of three people (one with pink hair) at a table with craft supplies colorful cards, pens, typewriter, water bottle.

Dearly Departed: Artful Rememberance

Sunday, February 23rd

Details of the event to come!

Group photo of 15 Death of the Party attendees wearing various colors in front of a statue at the MET Museum of Art.

Want to collaborate on a future event? Your event could be featured here!

Let’s collaborate


  • In the Face of Grief: A guided tour and conversation on grief at the Metropolitan Museum of Art

  • Soul Showcase: A curated open-mic style showcase about loss centering voices of the LGBTQ+ community

  • Death of the Party Grief Mixers


  • “Coming Out to Dead People” Comedy Show - Ricky Sims

  • “The Manicurist’s Daughter” Book Launch - Susan Lieu

  • “Gay Gothic” LGBTQ Trolley Tour - Green-Wood Cemetery

Past Events

An image of a tombstone with a pride flag planted in front of it.
An image featuring guests from a Death of the Party Event on February 22nd 2024 where attendees participated in grounding exercises.
An image of a graveyard with an antique sign saying "Aster Path." The sign as a microphone draped around it.